Little Bitty Barn
I understand and acknowledge that if I proceed to register on-line and to sign the waiver electronically, that such electronic registration and electronically signed Waiver document will be valid and enforced in the same manner as a hand-signed document that exists in physical form and that a record or signature may not be denied legal effect or enforceability under law solely because it is in electronic form.
As parent or legal guardian of the child whose name is set forth below (who is referred to herein as the “Participant”) and in consideration of the Participant being permitted to participate in the Activities (as defined below) conducted by "Little Bitty Barn" (DBA of: Basra Capital, LLC), the Participant and I agree as follows:
I ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE that the use of the facility and equipment has inherent risks. I am the legal guardian or assigned caretaker of the below listed minor on behalf of myself and said listed minor, knowingly and freely assume all such risk, both known and unknown, including those that may arise out of the negligence of other participants. I agree that I shall comply with all, posted safety signs, rules, and verbal instructions as conditions for participation in activities at the Little Bitty Barn. If I observe any hazard during my participation, I will bring it to the attention of the nearest Little Bitty Barn employee. On behalf of myself, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns, I, ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND AS LEGAL GUARDIAN OR ASSIGNED CARETAKER OF A MINOR CHILD (LISTED BELOW) HEREBY DO RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS Little Bitty Barn DBA of Basra Capital, LLC, its officers, agents, independent contractors, insurance companies, landlords, instructors and employees from any cause of action, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to, a claim of negligence, which my minor child or I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns may now have, or have in the future against Little Bitty Barn, on account of personal injury, property damage, death, or accident of any kind, arising out of or in any way related to my use of the Little Bitty Barn facility and equipment, including but not limited to the Little Bitty Barn play space, outdoor play areas, general parking lot, land area, and reception area, whether that use is supervised or unsupervised, however the injury or damage is caused, including, but not limited to the negligence of Little Bitty Barn, its officers agents, independent contractors, instructors, insurance companies, landlords, instructors and employees.
By entering my name and information and clicking the “Submit Waiver” button below, I indicate my acceptance and delivery of this waiver and release. I acknowledge that I have been given an opportunity to prevent or correct any error in connection with this waiver form. If I have submitted this waiver form in error, I will immediately notify you of the error, revoke my signature as instructed via written correspondence, and refrain from participating in any event or activity to which the waiver applies.